[singlepic id=515 w=320 h=240 float=left]Quite by accident, I met South Laguna Beach resident Patrice Gerber while lunching at Anastasia’s Cafe this past spring. At the time, he and his wife were just beginning to ramp up efforts in an online website for home decor, kitchen decor and tabletop accessories, and base it here in Laguna Beach. The site is www.Kouboo.com

I can only imagine that starting an online home decor business isn’t easy, especially when you’re the one traveling to various countries to seek out unique artisans and independent tribes, buying up various treasures, then finding a way to ship all of these finds back to the states for inventory. But Patrice and his wife are such ardent admirers of unique decor that they figured it would just be another “extension” to their favorite past time.

This home decor online store specializes in handmade items – nothing manufactured or fabricated in lump amounts because the founders know that most people want to have a home filled with tasteful decor pieces that can’t be found anywhere else! The stock changes regularly as most items are in very low quantities.

Now, 8 months later, the site is live, the inventory is warehoused, and their “little” enterprise is kicking in with a surprisingly great bang. I think our Laguna Beach residents have something here!

Kouboo.com saw that he was featured here and came up with a nice 10% off promotional just for LagunaBeachBest readers. So, when you order, plug in this promo code: lbbest10off for additional savings. You also receive FREE SHIPPING on any purchase. The LBB-specific promo code applies to all items in the store with no limitation. Thanks, Kouboo!

Check out Kouboo.com’s holiday decor and Christmas tree ornaments below by clicking on any of the photos to begin the slideshow, and start your holiday shopping early with fantastic finds for all the special people on your list at www.Kouboo.com 


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