Kahuna Concert with Common Sense – San Clemente

Kahuna Concert with Common Sense – San Clemente

Kahuna Cares Foundation, a local nonprofit providing support for organizations that help enrich the lives of people with special needs, will host the 5th annual Kahuna Concert for a Cause on Saturday, March 7, at 6 p.m. at OC Tavern in San Clemente. Laguna Beach’s own...

4th Annual Big Kahuna Concert

In celebration of Autism Awareness Month and in memory of Tubesteak Tracy, friends and supporters of his love for special needs kids are coming together again at the 4th annual Big Kahuna Koncert (sic) for a Cause to raise money for autism and kids with special...

Nick I. Returns!

When Nick I (Hernandez) retired to Mexico a few months ago, the town of Laguna mourned. For years, Nick I. had been entertaining crowds with his fun hip-hop/Reggae/soul/funk style. Now, he’s back for a rare appearance on Friday, Jan. 26th, returning to his old...
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