[singlepic id=571 w=320 h=240 float=right]OK, every time I think about writing this entry, the old Ohio Players song, “Fire,” keeps running through my mind … this is one sassy year ahead! This week, the fire begins for the entire 2012 year when Year of the...
OK, folks, I started blogging about the Laguna Beach restaurants doing Christmas Eve specials in the LagunaBeachBest.com Holiday Events Calendar Laguna Beach list and was subsequently BOMBARDED by all sorts of readers wondering about all the REST of the Laguna Beach...
[singlepic id=409 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=right]The other night, after running a few errands, I decided to pop into Starfish Asian Cuisine for a quick bite. As I’ve written previously, Starfish opened in South Laguna Beach’s Albertson’s...