After 11 Years, Tabu Grill Closes its Doors

After 11 Years, Tabu Grill Closes its Doors

One of my favorite foodie restaurants in town, Tabu Grill permanently closed its doors on Monday, July 6th. When Tabu opened 11 years ago, it immediately met with great fanfare. At that time, Laguna Beach didn’t have a great deal to offer by way of...
Tabu Grill’s New Chef Working His Own Voodoo Magic

Tabu Grill’s New Chef Working His Own Voodoo Magic

There’s a new chef in town and he’s already shifting it up at our cozy foodie restaurant, Tabu Grill. Long known for her rich and innovative menu of Polynesian and Asian influences, Tabu Grill has had the reputation as a “special event” restaurant with long waits to...
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