Dana Point IlluminOcean Starts Pre-Thanksgiving
This year, the Dana Point Harbor is electrifying the harbor with 40 nights of holiday lights called IlluminOcean. It all begins Wednesday, Nov. 26th, just in time to help you do that Thanksgiving-morph-to-Christmas. This ocean-themed lighting attraction stretches more...
The Tale of the 62-Foot Montage Holiday Tree
A few years ago, the Montage Resort decided to “give back” to the Laguna Beach community with an awesome, enormous tree-lighting ceremony and Open House event. The very first year, the grounds were packed with more than 1,000 people and it’s only...
Now, This is a Gourmet Thanksgiving To Go!
With my Friday Dining Column on Chef Camron’s new breakfast and lunch menu at The Ranch, you might have realized that this guy has some serious cooking chops. … All the more reason to bring his cooking home to your Thanksgiving table. (Hey, if you’re going to do it...
Best Thanksgiving Pies in Town – Order Now!
Ron Reno, our beloved 30-plus year baker at Andree’s Patisserie is – once again – elbow deep in pie orders. Each year at this time, his bakery phone lights up with orders for his renowned Thanksgiving pies. They only come in three flavors (because who can really think...