Before you grab that Easter lily at the grocery store . . .get something really beautiful AND for a discount this weekend. [singlepic id=222 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=left] In honor of this Friday’s Earth Day and the Easter holiday this weekend, our...
This event somehow missed my radar on this week’s “Di’s 5 – What to do this Weekend in Laguna Beach” – and it’s important! So, one of my most favorite people on the planet is a gentleman I met at one of our South Laguna beach...
[singlepic id=111 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=right]Ruben Flores came up with the idea of an “occasional” cabaret evening in his nursery about a year and a half ago, and the idea took off like a rodeo horse. In the winter months, he does a Cabaret Evening just...
[singlepic id=53 w=320 h=240 float=] Leave it to the uber-creative Ruben Flores of Laguna Beach’s only intown nursery to offer amazing autumn options for your garden and dinner table … Ruben’s been shipping in thousands of small-pot herbs and edible...