Leave it to the Laguna Beach Beautification Council to come up with a Halloween party on the same night that Laguna boasts its Largest Annual Halloween Party and sees several hundred parents briskly trotting their kids around to the Halloween-iest of the Trick or...
A perennial favorite, the Laguna Beach Annual Classic Car Show takes place at our Festival of Arts grounds (where the Pageant of the Masters plays each summer), with 250-300 cars participating. The event runs Sunday, Oct. 6th, 9:30 a.m., to 3:30 p.m., and the cover...
Whenever I have visitors to Laguna Beach, they just can’t believe how luxuriously beautiful it is. Every street, every shop front, every park, even random bus benches and water fountains are a beautifully combined collective of design and forethought. It...
Laguna Beach’s famed Plein Air Invitational changed hands this year from the Laguna Art Museum to the Laguna Plein Air Painter’s Association. Happily, only a few factors have changed in the switcheroo, and on Sunday, October 13, more than 40 of the...
It’s hard to believe that The Broadway Restaurant in Laguna Beach is already at the two-year mark. Chef Amar Santana and his crew came in with an open throttle, and they haven’t backed off since. This restaurant seems to always be busy, from its opening...
The ever-popular Chamber of Commerce’s “Taste of Laguna” had gotten so large that it had to find new stomping grounds for its Taste & Business Expo. This year, you’ll find The Taste at the Festival fairgrounds (where Pageant of the Masters...