Pumpkins Already Turning Into Christmas Sleighs as Holiday Decor Emerges
Now that Halloween is past us, it’s the Annual Holiday Decor race in Laguna Beach … who can get their holiday decor up first? While Laguna Colony was closed today (Sunday) to complete its holiday decor, you have to give them kudos for progress already done in...Great Costume This Year? Here’s Where You Need To Be Circulating …
Years ago, I had the most awesome costume – I was a Bleeding Eyeball, compliments of an industrial PVC ball that covered me head to knee. It was fabulous. I spent the entire Halloween week circulating to every commercial costume party I could find and winning...
It’s Coming Up Scarecrows in Laguna Beach
‘Tis the season, I know, but if you’ve noticed that a whole raft of scarecrows are perking up around town, you’re not the first one. As it turns out, it’s a citywide Scarecrow Contest. On the Laguna Chamber of Commerce’s suggestion, 22...
Halloween Party: Little Shop of Horticulture at Montage Resort
Leave it to the Laguna Beach Beautification Council to come up with a Halloween party on the same night that Laguna boasts its Largest Annual Halloween Party and sees several hundred parents briskly trotting their kids around to the Halloween-iest of the Trick or...